A bumper 20-page edition, packed with exclusive write-ups, insightful commentaries and top news developments, is the Blitz India way of celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. On this 75th Independence Day, we cover multiple facets of a vibrant New India which Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been steering relentlessly over the past over eight years. Our Cover Story deals with the all-round progress that India has made ever since it won its freedom from British rule and how the Modi model of governance has brought about a paradigm shift in the process of development. The ‘New India’, which Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been building assiduously, is today the fastest growing economy and PM Modi the most popular leader in the world, says our report. A related story focuses on the radical shift which PM Modi has brought about in India’s foreign policy and how it has emerged as a global powerhouse. Another story, as part of this package, is about the path-breaking reforms introduced by the Modi Government in the defence sector.
Carrying on with the I-Day theme, the main story on the Centrespread focuses on the multiple social welfare schemes and major policy decisions taken by the Modi Government during the last eight years. Our report stresses that in sharp contrast to the 10-year term of ‘reluctant PM’ Manmohan Singh, PM Modi took quick and bold decisions. It then elaborates on the whole lot of welfare schemes and revolutionary policy measures launched by his Government. The electoral successes of the BJP across the country, under the leadership of PM Modi, are also incorporated in the report. A related story cites facts and figures and emphasises how numbers tell the story of the progress made by India during PM Modi’s first full and the second more than half-way term. In his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ radio broadcast on July 31, the Prime Minister urged people to put ‘Tiranga’ as the display picture on their social media profiles. Our special I-Day edition carries the excerpts of the address, which largely focused on events to celebrate Independence.
The decision to revisit Vietnam for our Globetrotting feature must have come as a surprise to many readers, but we had a strong, and valid, reason to do so. The writer is a notable strategic affairs expert and he sent this piece to Blitz India while on his latest visit to the Southeast nation. The first-hand account shared by him, coupled with his insightful perspective on the IndiaVietnam relations, was too exciting a read to be held over for the later editions. The piece focuses on the major transformation which Vietnam has witnessed and today, he says, it has joined the roar of the Southeast Asian tigers. Listing key financial parameters that support this contention, the report also explains the causes for Vietnam’s economic recovery. A related box deals with the areas of shared interests that govern the relations between India and Vietnam.
With loads of I-Day greetings, let’s all pledge to put our might together towards building a new, more powerful India! Jai Hind!!