An impressive function was held at the Indian International Centre (IIC), in New Delhi on March 11, to hold discussion on two latest books edited by Prabeer K Basu.
Blitz India was the Media Partner for the powerpacked event. Prominent among those who attended were: Vinod Rai, former Comptroller & Auditor General of India; Pradip Baijal, former Secretary, Disinvestment, and ex-Chairman, TRAI; KN Shrivastava, Director IIC; and Deepak Dwivedi, Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of Blitz India.
Basu, the editor of two books, ‘The Making of Modern India’ and ‘The Golden Lineage and its Legends’, took active part in the discussion, which was moderated by Sanjeev Chopra, author and former IAS officer. Sanjay Arya of Shubhi Publications, the publisher of the books, was also present.