LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s emotional appeal has ultimately paved the way for the land acquisition process for the second phase of the upcoming international airport, at Jewar in Greater Noida.
Due to compensation related issues, farmers had been adamant not to give their land for the project. At a recently-held meeting here, the Chief Minister assured them of an increased compensation of Rs 3,400 per square metres (including the interest amount) and resolved the issues amicably.
In fact, the land acquisition process for the second phase had lost momentum for nearly 10 months but gained pace with local officials and leaders holding multiple public meetings in and around Jewar recently after Yogi’s appeal to the farmers.
The airport, said to be India’s largest upon completion and costing an estimated Rs 29,560 crore, is under development in the Jewar area. It is being developed in four phases by the Switzerland-based concessionaire Zurich International Airport AG’s special purpose vehicle Yamuna International Airport Private Limited (YIAPL). According to media reports, the state Government has received consent letters of over 70 pc of farmers, the minimum required by law, to proceed for land acquisition for the second phase. Around 1,365 hectare of land is to be acquired from six villages. With the consent level crossing the 70 pc-mark, the district administration can send proposal to the Government for carrying out formalities under Section 11 of the Land Acquisition Act.