Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 25 said on his monthly radio broadcast ‘Mann Ki Baat’ that the country can never forget the Chandrayaan-3 achievement and the scientific developments are happening because of the collective efforts of the people.
The Prime Minister said a lot is happening in 21st-century India, which is strengthening the foundation of a developed nation. “…For example, on the 23rd of August, the country celebrated the first National Space Day. I am sure that all of you must have celebrated this day. Once again you all must have celebrated the success of Chandrayaan-3. Last year on this day, Chandrayaan–3 successfully landed at Shiv-Shakti point on the Southern part of the Moon. India became the first country in the world to achieve this feat,” said Modi.
During the broadcast, Modi interacted with a team from Spacetech Startup Galaxeye, which was started by the alumni of IIT Madras. One of the young scientists who interacted with PM Modi, Suyash said, “Your decision to open up the space sector and its privatisation, a landmark decision was taken in 2020, and we were quite excited about this.”
Rakshit, hailing from Uttrakhand’s Almora district, talked about the benefits of his startup technology, during which, Modi joked about ‘Bal Mithai’, a delicacy of Uttarakhand. Rakshit said that this technology of ours can see through the clouds from space and it can even see during the night.
“So we can take a clear picture of any corner of the country every day and the data that we procure will be used to develop two areas — first, to make India extremely secure by monitoring borders, oceans and seas, as well as enemy activities, daily and second, to empower the farmers of India.”