BENGALURU: Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully completed the Reusable Launch Vehicle Autonomous Landing Mission (RLV LEX). The test was carried out at the Chitradurga Aeronautical Test Range in Karnataka. The Chinook helicopter of the Air Force was used in this.
RLV is a rocket capable of returning safely to Earth from space. It is possible to use such rockets repeatedly. This will also help India prepare its space shuttle in the future.
During the test, conditions similar to those encountered by a rocket on its way back to Earth were created. The RLV has been successful in landing at the specified time, speed and location. The Center for Military Airworthiness and Certification, Aeronautical Development Establishment and Aerial Delivery Research and Development Establishment also played a key role in the test.
For this autonomous landing mission, the Chinook helicopter of the Air Force took off with the RLV at 7.10 am. Reaching an altitude of 4.5 km, the RLV was released under Mission Management Computer Command keeping in view the parameters.
During this, parameters like position, speed, and height were taken into consideration. All the parameters were set according to the landing of a space re-entry vehicle. After being released from the helicopter, the RLV landed on the airstrip of the ATR at 07.40.