An average person’s mind creates 60,000 thoughts every day. These thoughts have immense potential for enriching every aspect of our life. Unfortunately we are unable to tap into the power of our thoughts because we think we lack control over them.
Imagine sitting for a meal and having no ability to choose what we put in our mouth. If the pickles and vinegar were repeatedly and randomly fed to us, what a ridiculous situation would be created! Unfortunately, that is how it is with thoughts. Rather than us selecting the ones we want, they come on their own accord, as uninvited guests. The consequence is that our poor intellect gets riddled with wretched and worthless ideas that add no value. This has to be reversed. We must be able to choose the thoughts and emotions that work for us. Then alone can we adopt thoughts that empower and reject ones that hinder us.
The pity is that not many of us know how to select our thoughts. We tell our hand to comb our hair, and it obeys. It works under our command. If instead, the hand responded by scratching the head, it would become a daft situation where nothing worthwhile could ever be done. But when it comes to the mind, it seems to work according to an algorithm of its own. Most of the thoughts seem to arrive as gatecrashers and take residence without our permission. The saying goes, “An empty mind is a devil’s workshop.” If we do not consciously nurture progressive thoughts, our mind creates unproductive ones on its own and negative thoughts in the mind lead to a more serious problem.
We all know that negative thoughts dominate an average mind. If we focus on transforming these to positive ones, incredible results will accrue touching all aspects of our life. Thus, we have much to gain by deepening our understanding of this methodology. This is where Swami Mukundananda helps us understand the working of the mind and solves the puzzle of controlling one’s thoughts that has intrigued humanity for ages in his latest book ‘The Power of Thoughts’ that was released by Penguin India recently.
An IIT Delhi and IIM Kolkata alumnus, Swami Mukundananda is the founder of the yogic system called Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog, widely known as JKYog. As a youngster he would spend long hours in meditation and contemplation. He would pour into books of saints and scriptures to understand their teachings. This continued well into his school and college life. After a brief stint in a corporate job post his college, Swami Mukundananda took up the order of Sanyas and set out on a path of spiritual journey, learning from the holy saints he met with during his travels. He finally met his Spiritual Master Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj whose unfathomable scriptural knowledge, divinity, love and guidance helped Swami Mukundananda formulate the system of ‘Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog’ that is helping better lives all over the world. Most of Swami Mukundananda’s time is spent in serving people and helping them lead healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives.
Coming back to his transformational book, it teaches the readers about watching their thoughts, directing them, dismantling harmful thought structures, creative thinking, meditation and much more. When one focuses on revolutionizing his thoughts which are the most fundamental aspect of one’s inner personality, the person will discover himself evolving to divine heights to fulfil the purpose of his life.
In the book, Swami Mukundananda delves into how thoughts shape our health, affect our environment, cause us to be happy or sad, and define who we are. There are details of how to combat negative thinking and develop the habit of positively viewing situations and the world at large. Swami Mukundananda goes into the depths of creative thinking, how to focus, and has included multiple practice meditations for the benefit of the readers.
The book has been written with the sincere aspiration of explaining the ancient science of the mind and intellect in a modern context relying heavily on present-day scientific research. It takes the reader on a thrilling journey with reallife examples, humorous stories, sound logic, and verses from sacred texts. In the process, readers will learn to utilize the immense energy of their emotions to make their life happier and more successful.
That our thoughts have the power to uplift our life to sublime heights in every domain is the core message in the book.
This book is thus a treasure trove of wisdom on thoughts and how we can improve the quality of our life leaps and bounds by simply transforming our thinking!